Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks? is an anime television series adaptation of the light novels of the same name. It was announced at the "Fantasia Bunko Dai Kanshasai 2018" event on October 21, 2018. The series is directed by Yoshiaki Iwasaki and written by Deko Akao, with animation by studio J.C.Staff. Yohei Yaegashi provides the series' character designs. Keiji Inai is composing the music. The series will premiere in July 12, 2019 on Tokyo MX and other channels. Spira Spica performed the series' opening theme song, while Ai Kayano performed the series' ending theme song.
List of Episodes[]
Number | Image | Title | Original Air Date |
Episode 1 | 少年の壮大なる冒険が始まると思ってたら…え、どういうことだよこれ…。 The Boy Thought He Was Embarking on a Great Adventure... But, Uh, What's Going on Here? |
July 13, 2019 | |
Episode 2 | 女子ばっかなのは偶然だ。誤解するな。笑顔でこっちを見るな。 It's Just a Coincidence They're All Girls. Got That? Wipe That Smirk Off Your Face. |
July 20, 2019 | |
Episode 3 | 下着は防具。守備面積は大きめに。さもなくば息子が死ぬぞ! Underwear is Armor. Make Sure It's High in Defense. Otherwise, My Son Might Die! |
July 27, 2019 | |
Episode 4 | 子供は子供で、親も親で人間で、色々あるけど何とかするのが親子だろ。 Kids Are Kids and Parents Are Parents (but Also Human Beings), and It Takes All Kinds, but They Get Through It Together, Right? |
August 3, 2019 | |
Episode 5 | そこは夢と希望に満ちた、子供達の領域。子供達の、だ。ここ大事! This is a Territory for Children, Filled With Hopes and Dreams. For Children. That's the Important Part! |
August 10, 2019 | |
Episode 6 | なんという美少女…いや母さんじゃなくて。その格好で近寄るなやめろ。 What a Beautiful Girl... Wait, Not You, Mom. Don't Get Near Me in That Outfit, Stop! |
August 17, 2018 | |
Episode 7 | 学祭の主役は学生だ。それはただ制服を着ている人も含まれてしまうのだがな…。 Students are the Protagonists of a School Festival. But People Wearing School Uniforms are Included, Too. |
August 24, 2019 | |
Episode 8 | 言わなきゃ伝わらないが、言ったらかなりの確率でぶつかる。厄介だよ、親子。 If I Say Nothing, It Won't Be Heard, But If I Say Something, It'll Be a Critical Hit. It Sucks Being a Family. |
August 31, 2019 | |
Episode 9 | おっと、こんなところにスイッチ床があるぞ。まあ踏まないけど。いや踏まないから。 Whoa, There's a Pressure Plate in a Place Like This. Well, I'm Not Stepping On It. No, I'm Saying I Won't! |
September 7, 2019 | |
Episode 10 | お母さんと一緒ギルドは千客万来!……って、招かれざる客ばっかかよ! The With Mommy Guild Welcomes All! ...Wait, It's a Bunch of Uninvited Guests! |
September 14, 2019 | |
Episode 11 | 受け止める勇気。慈しむ心。あと全身鎧。それが母親に必須の……ん? 鎧? The Courage to Accept Things. A Loving Heart. Also, Full-Body Armor. That's What a Mother Needs... Wait, Armor? |
September 21, 2019 | |
Episode 12 | その願いは叶えないでくれ、と強く願った。だが願いは叶えられた。 I Hoped Against Hope the Wish Would Not Be Granted. But It Totally Was. |
September 28, 2019 | |
Episode 13 (OVA) |
波打ち際のお母さんは好きですか? Do You Love Your Mom on the Shore? |
March 25, 2020 |